How to get free postal 3
How to get free postal 3

The gunfights are entertaining, the music is awesome and something you need to see to believe, but unfortunately, the game very buggy, despite being on the Source engine. I don't care for the third person mode, but there will be FPS mods out soon, so it's not bothering me much. If you liked Postal 2, you will like Postal 3. SR starts to look like Sunday morning cartoons. It's full of Running With Sissors humor, if you thought Saint's Row's humor was crude, wait till you see Postal 3.

how to get free postal 3

I think I know why, which I will get to later. The game files are all on Steam's servers. Now, the game was supposed to be out on Steam a few days ago, but for unknown reasons, the "purchase" button is not enabled. I've been playing for about 3 hours now, and it's fantastic. I bought the game off the developers directly, they sent me a key and I registered it through Steam.

How to get free postal 3